TREE OF LIFE: Connecting all forms of creation. ( Wikipedia)
I have always had this weird fascination with trees. And the funny thing is every place I lived was surrounded by trees, DEEP WOODED BACKYARD. The fascination with trees was not only because I lived around them, but in return I got to understand them. Sounds Funny!! I know....Nature is an amazing source of life to Human Beings. I just get amazed by people who do not regard them in any way. Trees not only have been around too long to tell a story but they are quite often remembered in philosophical, mythological and in religious aspects. Human beings are under mercy of nature, whether we realized or not. I think nature does for us more than we do for them. I am not a tree hugger per se, but I value in it's very existence. They say the power of nature is visible to those who are in harmony and in balance with nature.
Every Tree has an event or occurrence that has left an impression on it. They have battled change in their own environment - I guess they were better off left untouched, until civilization began and nature since then had to keep up. Sometimes I feel that nature is keeping up with our mistakes and keep enduring in silence.
They have battled or still battling global warming with us, sometimes Nature is the only answer, in this case the trees are the only ones that can save us from intense climate change, sadly not as much trees are conserved. Nature is an answer to a lot of our questions but we have turned in into a question itself. And we all know global warming is the result of excess greenhouse gases by human activities, fossil fuel combustion and especially DEFORESTATION. And we all know trees release oxygen into the atmosphere while absorbing CO2 from the surrounding air.
I personally get bothered when trees get cut down. In human terms, it's like firing an employee who does the most work.... I didn't know a better way to explain, but yea sort of like that... But the only difference is a chopped tree is still going to serve it's purpose and continue doing that.
They endure every season with grace and patience. When I moved to New Jersey, I was apartment hunting, and it turned out to be a little challenging as I had specific needs. Nothing materialistic, all natural... :-). So my needs were heavily wooded backyard on the top most floor. I had to filter out some of the best apartments, only because it didn't meet my specific requirements. Finally I was able to find the most perfect place. Heavily wooded backyard on the top floor with a huge scenic door. This place had my name written all over it. And soon after I moved in, I spent many seasons by the door, looking out at the trees and we have survived a lot of seasons together. In fact we, survived hurricane Sandy in 2012. I remember all my friends were planning to survive the storm together, by sticking together under one roof. Have beers and just do fun stuff, but I decided to stay alone in my apartment, so here I was, my tripod ready, candles, charged batteries and just waiting for the storm to arrive. And wow when it did, it sure came with a full force. I tried opening the door to my balcony, and looking out , the sound of the wind getting blocked by the trees was scarily amazing. But the fact still remained, the trees were blocking the wind. Without it, I would have no balcony left....
- Do not forget to give shelter to any human being. ( shade from sun or resting on my trunk)
- Keep the air clean, so humans can breath.
- Provide food and not just for humans but animals and birds as well.
- Help prevent water pollution by acting like a sponge that filters water naturally. So the ocean is left un-polluted.
- Help prevent soil erosion.
- Heal humans. ( Children with ADHD have fewer symptoms when excess to nature, patients heal faster with views of trees outside their windows)
- Give a happy feeling by swaying my leaves under the sun
- Become nature's umbrella, when it rains.
Since the earliest writings and readings, trees have represented as a powerful form of nature. Every part of the globe believes it one way or the other.
In Buddhism, they have the Bodhi Tree, under which Gautam Buddha meditated and gained enlightenment.
"We are the same as plants and trees and as the rain that falls. We consist of that which is around is, we are the same as everything." ~ Buddha
Tuba is a tree that Muslims believe grows in Islamic Heaven also called Jannah.
The holy city of Touba, Senegal is name for the tree. ( Wikipedia)
" A goodly word, is a goodly tree, whose root is firmly fixed and its branches reach to the sky"
~Ibrahim 14:24
Tulsi in Hinduism, is a sacred Basil plant. It was believed to be an earthly manifestation of goddess Tulsi. It is also used as a medicinal plant in Ayurveda.
" There is a Banyan tree, which has its roots upward and its branches down, and the Vedic hymns are its leaves. One who know this tree is the knower of the Vedas."
Trees occupy a good understanding in Judaism. In Kohelet Rabbah, they have a sacred understanding of a tree. The Midrash teaches:
" When God created the first human beings, God led them around all the other trees of the garden of Eden and said " Look at my works! See how beautiful they are. For you sake I created them all. See to it that you do not spoil and destroy my world; for if you do there will be no one to repair it."
In Samoyedes mythology, the world tree connects different realities. In this mythology it is also believed a tree is the symbol of Mother Earth who is said to give the Samoyed Shaman his drum and also help him travel from one world to another.
I Greek mythology, DRYAD is a female tree spirit, It is said the Dryads and Greek Gods punished any mortals who harmed trees without first propitiating the tree nymphs..
So just like the saying goes... "Imagine if trees gave off WiFi signals, we would be planting so many trees, and we'd probably save the planet too. Too bad they only produce the oxygen we