Thursday, December 18, 2014


These are all the shots taken while I was lost. I call it " The art of getting lost". When it comes to direction sense, I am born with a syndrome. If the medical journals search deep they will find a mental imbalance when it comes to people and their sense of direction, they may have already come up with it and researched and written books, selling them in Barnes and Nobles, and maybe I am not aware of all this... But one thing, I am sure about is, as I am getting older I am loosing my sense of direction, even the GPS has given up on me. The little voice that guides everyone everywhere and anywhere, I bet she mumbles a curse when I miss a turn and she has to re-calculate it all over for me. Sometimes the woman in the GPS feels like a threat to me, because I feel like she will loose it or acquire a Bipolar Disorder while giving me directions. I have no shame in admitting, yes I am really bad, I will get you to your destination though. Let me clarify, having lack of direction does not mean I am one of those lame drivers that drive under speed limit or stop at a green or keep the blinker on while my turn is still a mile away. I give comfortable rides but with several GPS's and high tech direction gadgets installed and hooked up in my car ( some of you might say, she still get's lost, after all this?? ) Well sometimes, YES! It's surprising to me as well, after having driven in 7 states by myself and I can still remember the roads from Chicago to Michigan to New Jersey into Florida.
But there is always a flip side to everything, getting lost has made me discover beautiful places, awesome views. One thing I guarantee, if you ride with me you will find nights with drizzle, fog laid over a lake like a blanket on a cold winter night, sun rays sneaking through an unusual looking tree. When you are lost and there is no one on the streets but you and your car, you already know you own the night. A warm drizzling night in your car, your vipers creating a rhythm of it's own against the windshield, street lights, quite coffee places almost abandoned by the rain that humps and thumps the ground, you approach a traffic light that splashed red to stop you, and you stop, looking through the wet windows in silence. The fog that has started to cover up the lights into a hazy view, and the quite music playing in your car, that takes you to memory lane here and there, finding your way out while cruising through a moment that's liberating you, enchanting you, opening up your senses to another dimension while your mind still working out a way to get to familiar side.  And you drive for miles, a new vision, you suddenly stop thinking and get taken away by sights and sounds from the familiar. You want to break your routine of turns and stops, the familiar traffic lights and coffee places, unfamiliar faces and you are now " Alice in Wonderland".  You feel a child-like excitement and curiosity. Eventually we all get home... But the journey is what matters. I learned to draw my own maps now, I find my way around and sometimes I purposely try a different road, just in case I might find something new, just hoping my GPS lady doesn't give up, and if she does, I will be leading my way. Sometimes when I am driving home at night under a clear sky with the moon moving parallel, I feel like it's lost with me and trying to navigate it's way home. Every turn and direction I change, It changes too. And I mumble, "Are you lost like me"? OR "are you following me"? Whatever the case, we will get home. Getting lost could turn out to be liberating, don't worry about the wrong turn, it could be the right one! 

Monday, December 1, 2014


I realize another year is not over yet, we still have exactly 30 days left, and all the new year preparations have already begun, including mine. I love New Years Eve, I have never missed a day to celebrate it. This year I will do the same and It will be a double celebration because I just went through a feeling in my heart while deciding the upcoming events, and the feeling was a breakthrough. I just realized we as humans celebrate New Years as a celebration, and a "YES", I made it through another year, we thank God, we feel blessed, we party, get drunk, happily countdown the clock, some of us also remember the misfortunes that have happened this year, people's lives lost, winters getting colder, summers getting hotter, weather calamities, so basically we think of the good things and get humbled by the unfortunate things, but at the end we forget, if we extract everything and leave the planet as is, Don't you think it's the planet earth that should be celebrating it's Birthday. Finally made it through the orbit. Finally made it, despite of all the burdens it carries over it's shoulder silently, echoing it's complains somewhere in the dark deep space of ours, and when the final line of the orbit that circles our beloved solar system is done, WHO IS CELEBRATING MOTHER EARTH? It's one year older!!  For some reason, in many occasions I have thought of the orbiting planets and their existence within the realm. And every New Year, while celebrating it, I have had a little moment in my mind thinking the same exact thing, feeling the last few minutes before earth makes it's finally hit and it starts all over again.  As humans we are busy with ourselves and our celebrations, but who is putting life to the planet's victory? I see our planet as a life form in itself, not because we live in it, it existed before us. It's living and breathing it's own karma and the planet itself has good days and bad, but are we aware of that? So this year, My New Year celebrations will be Celebrating EARTH and thanking it, for taking the burdens and giving us life and to the universe for cradling Mother Earth in it's lap gravitating, so we can live and celebrate. So here is to my New Year Celebrations, and maybe I will have an Earth theme this year, because this is my first breakthrough in my mind that is always trying to reach the limitless boundaries of realization.