"Our real self, the soul, is immortal. We may sleep for a little while in
that change called death, but we can never be destroyed. We exist, and
that existence is eternal. The wave comes to the shore, and then goes
back to the sea; it is not lost. It becomes one with the ocean, or
returns again in the form of another wave. This body has come, and it
will vanish; but the soul essence within it will never cease to exist.
Nothing can terminate that eternal consciousness".
~Bhagavad Gita
Monday January 12th my baby girl succumbed to cancer. After two months of fighting it, life finally decided it's the end. My blog is not only about bubbles and how her life ended, it's also the deep understanding of death and letting go. Bhagavad Gita says, Attachment is the cause of suffering, and loosing my first pet Stella, I had understood why I had grieved tremendously when she had left me, that was the day I understood how wrong attachment is. Loosing Bubbles has been painful, my family and I have been trying to understand the fact, she is gone and it's time to move on. Easy said than done, but I guess that's what Life is, for everyone.
I have always learned something from my pets. And she taught me a lot. Unconditional love, patience and letting go. I know some people might find it weird or might think , "O god, it's just an animal", but for me it has never been that way, I don't live in blind faith but I do believe very strongly everything is made under the same hand, whether you call it God, The supreme, The higher power, etc, etc.... I grieve the same for animals as I do for humans. And I am also very happy to know the fact there are so many people out there, who really have that understanding and care for animals. It makes grieving easy when someone really understands why you grieving. I am thankful to my Friends and some amazing people, that don't live under the shade of Ignorance. Animals, if you connect, you will see they teach us a lot, but the ignorance has to be shed away to understand the world of energy and connection, between humans and animals. Seeing Bubbles die, made me also realize how life really is short and we all die the same way, and while she was in the process, I was understanding the whole soul and body detachment and nothing material matters when it's the end. They always say when you see mortality before your very own eyes, is when the realization is true and honest. Now when you take the same example of Mortality with humans, what's the point of all this fuss and drama in life, because when you reach the end, nothing matters. Within days you are back to dust.
Feeling the sadness and the pain is a process, but letting go is a practice. It rained tremendously the day she was passing away and as soon as she passed away, the rainstorm stopped, it felt like the heavens grieved. Her eyes were peaceful, as if she understood God's Law, and if she was letting go herself, I have to let her go too. I believe when you don't let something go, they get stuck in between worlds. And it's time for me to let her go. She is in good hands now, and until we meet again, Rest in Peace Baby girl.