Thursday, November 5, 2015


I have often wondered how did the change within me emerge? When did all this happen, how did my perspective on things change and when did my life perfectly sync with my thoughts and my mind. And quite often in the hustle and bustle of life, we forget to tend to our thoughts and experiences. If you are new to my blog, you will soon realize I focus a lot of my writing on the mysteries of our mind and thoughts, because I believe everything we are is the result of our thoughts and thoughts live in our minds. From the moment when I grew conscious of this world, I found myself getting pulled in the mysteries of our mind, thoughts and experiences. 

  Each one here lost in their own loss, each one just wadding in their own give and take. I have often heard and met people who have become or were victims of their thoughts, they felt their minds have held them hostage for days, weeks or years. I was one of them. Every little experience feels like an analytic moment, every word or phrase or situation becomes something to deal with, there is no easiness in any given moment. The more you tried to accumulate and gather and analyze, you discovered that equally how limited were the cupped areas of your hand. We live in a society of constant noise, opinions, advices, questions, how do we keep ourselves sane in the midst of this all?

My advice to people who ask me this question is " stay in the moment". I know it sounds cliche' and blah blah blah opinion, but if understood word by word it makes sense. We tend to get distracted with our present situations, it feels like the words being spoken NOW are in fact echoing itself to the future and we have already analyzed everything, I call this building a bridge. Your experiences with certain words and reactions automatically starts building a bridge to save yourself from sinking, and the end result is " The bridge collapsed, you fell in the water and drowned". And the reason we build bridges is because we are uncertain about ourselves and the choices we have made. Outside influence is a very delicate thread, either you attach yourself to it or detach, but if you have no clue what relation you want to have to the society that is gathered around you, you will sink. 
So staying in the moment helps you analyze people and situations better, because when you focus only in the NOW, then your mind has no other reason to say, "when, what, if, maybe".....
If the scope of life never extends one moment then you have no reason to deal with more than one moment. You do not have to figure out your future, or come to terms with your past, because there is no future or past.  Any experiences that seem to be from the past or future are not experiences at all they are just thoughts.  Those thoughts are all just features of the present moment.
I practice my NOW everyday, sometimes talking to my friends I realize, how much I have forgotten my past, be it spoken words, situations or circumstances. And when a similar situation arises that reminds me of my past, I change my perspective right away and I try to analyze with new set of thoughts. 


 I went through this question so many times, when trying to figure myself out. I have strong beliefs and I have accepted the fact I am a learner, every day is a new me. So the more I am becoming myself, the more stronger my beliefs. But is it really important to let everyone around you know that. 
Well in the beginning, I definitely did, and with time I came to realize there are some people I do want to discuss things with and then there are some I choose to stay hush with. I give opinions, where it matters. And they say do not keep good opinions to yourself, as your words could change some body's life, but is it? Or is it destroying my own beliefs? Or have we already created a foundation to stand on and we really don't need any more ground. Does it bring any temperament of value when we realize, that the wall that has been built around us not in consonance with the others, is impregnable and that it is important for the other to know that there can be no result in. Like I said, is it important to remain incommunicable just so you don't destroy your own beliefs?


We all sometimes fall into the trap of blame games, is it really worth pointing fingers at others? I don't do that often, but I just did last night. Yes, CONFESSION TIME, and later on I realized Nahhh, it's not worth it. It does not fix a problem.
I do not carry the attitude of pointing fingers only because I know I am not perfect either and who is to tell what's right and what's wrong. What seems right to me, could be wrong to somebody else. My beliefs are very hard to get along with, I personally do not agree with a lot of people, not because I have an Ego, because I know my thoughts. I have gone through numerous changes, circumstances, heartbreaks, friends, stupid people and in the midst of all these changes I was improving myself. The more I went to the core of my beliefs, the more I realized I do not need to agree otherwise, only because we are all different. What has one got to do with another.  In fact, in my previous blog, I had thanked some my friends that had wronged me, because of their ego and pride, I found myself. If they would have not hurt me or given me the most negative experience of my life I would have never questioned my beliefs or myself. If they would have not challenged every opinion I had, I would have not found the answers. Because of them I learned to understand things better and that made me more confident and stronger within myself. I accepted whatever happened and emerged gracefully out of it and so can anyone. To correct our course, we have to understand the dubious purpose we’ve been given, understand what it is making us do, and reject it in favor of something that actually works for us. None if us are built as one. We are all different, even those that think we are not. We are all indispensable and dispensable together. Either we learn from each other or we choose to go our separate ways. Viewing the world inwardly is simply doing your best to see what’s there before we make any judgments, to simply observe how it looks, feels, and sounds. All you’re applying to the moment is attention.
The best way to deal with life, your thoughts, your mind, it to keep it flexible. Change is inevitable. If we stay rigid, so does our minds and change becomes a curse. Always learn to accept, to improve, to let go... And the Noise in your head, is like a child throwing tantrums, it in fact is teaching you patience, acceptance and endurance.
Sometimes we leave everything to be figured out as we go along also tests our faith in life and our core beliefs about it. It is rarely the case that everything goes completely according to plan. We are forced to choose — to either accept what the road throws at us and find happiness in it or fight the multitude of things that don’t go according to plan and find unhappiness in everything.
Yoiu have a choice with everything in Life. Either stop the noise in your head and learn or eventually go deaf. 
To find Calmness in th Noise, you have to re-write your script in Life, change your thought process, observe others in the things you lack, learn and grow. Do not judge, and compare only to make you better and not worse. It's all in your Head.