Wednesday, March 5, 2014


                                          ~IT'S NOT A RELIGION BUT A WAY OF LIFE....

What do i mean when I say Accidental Buddhist? Well I am not as clear about it yet... But this is what i think it is, ME... Maybe i should say "Wanna Be" Buddhist, because I am not entirely on the path yet. But here is the thing, why do people think of you as a monk when you tell them you are a Buddhist or on a path to becoming one? I mean I don't see Richard Gere as a monk, he still makes movies and lives in LA. But anyway, this is my story....
 Elightment, Buddha nature, Awakening the Buddha, all these words sound too cliche', I think we all have heard these words way too much and it has lost it's value, not because they don't mean anything, but also because they have been spoken in too many contexts and now it's over rated. These words started taking shape in my mind, when I started to slow down a bit with life. We all have the capacity, I don't think there is any Human out there who is not capable of these things. The only difference is Lifestyle. I have moved alot, met a lot of people, evaluated a lot of things, basically i had total freedom of thought and choice. Some choices were great, some were........ and in the last few years, I will say I started carrying this free spirited, bohemian/gypsy, Eco-Friendly, kinda personality. I saw the world as limitless, big, huge, mysterious, amazing things waiting to be discovered. I remember, a friend of mine taught me to observe every petal, it's colors and it's fragrance, taught me to observe the flower on the side of the road that nobody notices.... So what does that have to do with Buddhism? To tell you the truth, to me personally I define my spirituality as all this. I am not a religious person at all, I don't find joy in being one, In fact I grew up religious, but there comes a time in life when your mind takes a total shift and you start seeing things clear, more profound, you end up discovering yourself, that's exactly what happened. I found my freedom, my wandering attitude towards life, my adventurous mind, my free spirited edge, compassion towards mother nature, my love for animals (which has always been there) - through Spirituality and I found Spirituality through Buddhism. People often think when you choose a path in life, you cant do this, you cant do that... Trust me, I still love shopping, I still drink wine, I love my Ipad, Ipod, the only difference is, I see life in everything around me. I take time to observe, I have learned to live in the spirit of everything around me, call it a bird or a moon. It's a great feeling when you are your own master. We are a part of this universe, whether we realize it or not, whether we want to believe it or not, all depends on us. It takes effort every single day to realize that, mind boggling things happen everyday in our lives, you need to open up your pupils behind those eyes to see it. And yes, sometimes you will face days that suck the energy out of you, and that's okay as well. That is a sign that you are alive. This world is too big, too interesting, too much to know and to learn. Possibilities are endless. Live out of the norm. And if you don't know how to do that then go to Zumba Classes :-)

The Radiant Buddha said: Regard this fleeting world like this: Like star fading and vanishing at dawn, like bubbles on a fast moving stream, like morning dewdrops evaporating on blades of grass, like a candle flickering in a strong wind, echos, mirages, and phantoms, hallucinations and like a dream.
                                    ~PRAJNA PARAMITA SUTRAS

You are the Buddha. You are the truth. Then why do you not know it through and through? Because there is a veil in the way, which is attachment to appearances, such as the belief that you are not Buddha, that you are a separate individual, an ego. If you cannot remove this veil all at once, then it must be dissolved gradually. If you have seen through it totally, even one glimpse, then you can see through it at any time. Wherever you are, whatever presents itself, however things seem to be; simply refer to that ever present, spacious openness and clarity.

                                   ~ KALU RINPOCHE

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