Tuesday, April 15, 2014


It's Lunar eclipse, and I have managed to stay up till 4 AM, so I can take as many pics as I can while the magic is still going on. The Magic in the Sky, the Heavens, etc, etc.... There was no way, I was going to miss this event, I just wasn't sure how I was going to keep myself awake, but I managed it pretty well, all because my excitement was child-like. Watching the eclipse, was like a painting in progress, or a video being posted live by the universe on World Tube (AS IN YOU TUBE). I remember standing by my bedroom window, witnessing the red starting to spread out over the white, before I headed out, and let me tell you this, it is very humbling. I look for the mystical in the everyday, and this one was a hit. It's amazing, every culture has myths, and stories about Lunar Eclipses, some say it is bad luck to see one, and some say it's evil, some have gods and goddesses connected to the eclipse... It's all pretty exciting, but for me personally it is a spiritual vision, a soul healing phenomena, and an enigmatic process of our night sky. 

Here are the shots. A canvas of magic in the night sky.

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