My life is all about running around, I think I have loaded too much on my plate and not enough time to do it all in a day, and in the midst of delays and constantly at war with time I have learned to listen to the little voices inside me. I am talking about little delays that could end up saving your life, or little whispers in your ear that tell you "do not leave yet, wait five more minutes".... But not all delays have the same postitive end, It's not a generalized theory, but few of the scenarios where delays have been executed as disguised blessings.
We have read and heard of scenarios where someone's life was saved only because they were running five minutes late, or got stuck in the traffic jam, or couldn't find the car keys.... These little delays always have a reason. Of course there could also be a flip side to everything in life, but I am talking about scenarios I have heard most of, and it's usually the "delays" that have inspired human stories. Overslept, lost car keys, car didnt start this morning, couldnt find my purse, my kids were running late, my mom called, my dog wouldnt go potty, started raining, my husband started arguing, coffee machine broke, etc, etc.........
~I knew someone who used to work at the World Trade. And the morning when the buildings collapsed, he was running late because his daughter missed the school bus and he had to end up dropping her to school and that pushed him back on time. And I remember him telling me, how frustrated he was as he had an important meeting that day and he was horribly late and rushing from the train station, he was about to cross the street to get to the world trade building, when he saw his office collapse.
~Another story from someone I know, missed their flight due to early morning rush hour back up and later on heard in the news the plane had crashed soon after take off. Never seen anyone so happy missing a flight.
~ A friend of mine, took a wrong exit on the highway, frustrated with his misjudgement, he pulled over at the gas station, took a quick break, headed in the convenient store for coffee and ask for directions when he overheard a conversation about a ten car pile up that just happened. He then realized he was being watched by a higher power and taking a wrong exit saved his life. He could have been one of the cars in the pile up. His wrong exit turned out to be a delay that saved his life. And he has never complained about wrong turns ever since.
There are countless stories like these. There's only one conclusion, you are delayed because it's not your time yet, but we do not realize that while we are stuck in the rush hour traffic, or experiencing the longest Starbucks queue in history... As we all exaggerate. :-) Few months back, I was traveling to Europe, even though the excitement was child like, the delays at the airport was exhausting, I had a three hour delay, and I kept chanting the mantra in my mind, it's all good. I am already delayed, so what's the point of getting frustrated. And there could be a reason why I am still stuck at the gate with the rest of my fellow passengers, and while going through a delay, the maintenance crew that was reloading, refueling and rechecking the plane for the next flight, picked out a few mechanical problems in the aircraft and we were re-routed to a new a gate and a new aircraft. So a three hour delay turned out to be a blessing in disguise.
Every time when my usual routine get's disturbed, even though sometimes, well most of the time, I get frustrated, I do try to console myself with one thing, and that is, "There is a reason", so calm down.... And I really do believe we have guardian angels, or whatever one might prefer, something, somewhere is watching out for us. Sometimes the opposite could happen, like I said there's always a flip side to everything but then, that's Life, it has it's arrangements and misfortunes. But we are celebrating Life in this blog, so I wanted to bring out the positive. So one lesson I have learned is listen to the voice inside you and if you are stuck somewhere, there is a reason for it, so calm your butt down and go with the angel's flow. Sometimes in a rush of getting somewhere on time could cost you a lifetime. The best way to deal with things is, feel the little pull backs, nudges, or quiet whispers, they could be telling you something. And next time you are stuck somewhere and experiencing long delays, remind yourself the power of Life, it could make you or break you, so go with it and do not challenge time or it's momentum. We live in the unknown everyday, so what's the rush.
One more thing, I am talking about accidental delays, not purposelly delaying yourself because of your punctuality problems. Being punctual and getting somewhere on time is the best discipline in life, so there's a fine line in between. :-)
And before I log off, I am glad I wrote this blog today, as I am also running late to be somewhere!!!!