Monday, June 23, 2014



Just when we think Life is over, we are born again...That brings me to my next question,
do you believe in Reincarnation? Although the title of my blog has nothing to do with reincarnation, the idea behind the transformation is pretty much related. This blog is my personal opinion and feelings towards the understanding. I have my own reasoning based on my logic and life observations, a little bit comes through the faith you have practiced and also on the spiritual basis of life. Not every religion believes in reincarnation, I solely believe in it because I think heaven and hell are right here on earth. I do not believe hell is a place with horned devils and heaven with sunny skies, because a soul needs to live and learn. I also do not believe that God is going to quarantine human souls and just keep them somewhere unknown and I do not believe this life is it, whatever years we are going to live in this life time is all we got, it just doesn't make sense.  Instead I call reincarnation as "Navigating Nirvana". I believe we keep coming back as humans, to keep repaying our sins until one day we have a clean slat and we receive nirvana.  See that makes sense to me, because that's when Karma comes in effect, by action, thoughts and words, man is releasing spiritual energy to the universe and in turn is affected by influences coming in his direction. We reincarnate as human beings in order to evolve our souls, in order to learn and re-live the experience again. Everything in the universe, is a constant cycle, from cosmos, nature, life and death. When something dies, it gets transformed into another. There is no halt in the universal law, everything has an end and a beginning. I remember in physics we were taught, no energy is lost, it just gets transformed, then why not humans. It's not an easy thing to grasp or believe, it's a personal choice, but to me this understanding makes a hell a lot of sense then waiting at the gates of hell or heaven, so what the heck am I doing here? Have you ever seen a flower die and never bloom again or when the moon surrenders to the morning skies, it still incarnates every evening. When a star dies it turns into supernova :-) If everything is JUST going to have an end, then where is the Beginning? And where there's a Beginning something had to end. It's all connected, intertwined together. The continuous succession of birth, death and rebirth permeates nature even though our own lives seem linear. So it's no surprise that some ancient observers looked at the seeming linearity of human existence and decided that life, like the natural world, might actually be more cyclical than linear. My curiosity led me to read books by Dr Brian L. Weiss ( Many Lives, Many Masters) and Michael Newton, a hypnotherapist, his groundbreaking research was published in the best-selling book Journey of the souls: case studies of life between lives (Llewellyn, 1994) and his book draws upon thousands of transcripts of people who, under hypnotic regression, have re-experienced being between lives. From the higher perspective of their soul they are able to explain what happens after death and before birth. This includes information about the levels of consciousness through which reincarnating souls evolve.  But then someone might argue, where is the proof of life reborn? Well in that case, where is the proof that God exists?

So it's all a matter of faith and belief, there is no permanent answer or a conclusive theory. But when you a see a miracle of a butterfly it all makes sense. 

" The soul comes from within into the human body, as into a temporary abode, and it goes out of it anew it passes into other habitation, for the soul is immortal. It is the secret of the world that all things subsist and do no die, but only retire a little from sight and afterwards return again. Nothing is dead; men feign themselves dead, and endure mock funerals... and there they stand looking out of the window, sound and well, in some strange disguise."
                                                 ~ Ralph Waldo Emerson

"My life often seems to me like a story that has no beginning and no end. I had the feeling that I was an historical fragment, an excerpt for which the preceding and succeeding text was missing. I could well imagine that I might have lived in the former centuries and there encountered questions I was not yet able to answer; that I had been born again because I had not fulfilled the task given to me."

                                             ~ Carl Jung

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