Tuesday, July 15, 2014


How much enough is enough? As a society we have reached a point in our lives, where we are not as happy of what we have but rather unhappy of what we do not have! As humans, if we are not happy with what we have, then that is going to affect everything we really do have and thus destroying the ever perfect life we unknowingly had. But my question again, how much is enough?
I was recently asked a question:

Question:  Saloni, how much money and things do you need in your life to make you feel comfortable and happy? What are your goals six years from today, bigger car, bigger house than you already have, better paycheck, kids, traveling, material wealth????? So tell me what are your goals?

Answer: I am happy exactly where I am. I have no goals, because I live in TODAY. My mind is my salvation and my spot of happiness. My dreams are my goals. Material wealth is not my goal, if it's there I will take it but will not strive for it to a point of unhappiness.

Response to my answer: Don't you think, having expensive cars, houses, a status quo would complete the void in society?  Isn't everyone in society just doing that, in order to fit in perfectly?

My response: You strive for things you do not have. I was brought up well, I have seen money, so I do not strive for it, I live in a big house, so I do not strive for it, I still live in luxury, so I do not strive for it, and despite of being fortunate and having all that, life still felt like it's not ENOUGH. When you start living in too much abundance, your mental and spiritual equilibrium takes a destructive spin. We feel worthless in comparison, parents start feeling hopeless because they couldn't buy the latest tablet for their kids, marriages start breaking apart because of the material void. Behind perfect facades, society is breaking down. You brand your life and sell it to the highest bidder... Is that what society is striving for? I have met and seen people, who have been blessed with the uttermost, and yet they still have appointments with their shrinks? I thought shrinks are for people who cannot pay their bills :-/

I know someone personally who has everything a girl could ever want, and yet I see her wanting for more and more. Nothing is ever enough, I don't even think she knows where her 'enough' is... At what point she is going to stop and realize she has it all. Every person I meet or see or get into conversations with, One thing I have heard the most is, "I don't have enough"

As a society we cannot live without upgrades. Tablets have to be upgraded because it's no longer the 'IT' thing, cars have to upgraded because the new model has bullet proof tires:-), house has to be upgraded because I have too much stuff, I need a bigger space, a new diamond ring because the one I wear is too old of a design, etc, etc....... It is quite sad that we all now live lives that place an inordinate amount of importance on making us dislike ourselves for what we don’t have than to like ourselves for what we have.

When was the last time you ever felt that you have enough, and life is good just as is???

His Response: NOT IN A LONG TIME.

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