Tuesday, July 29, 2014


 Out of the Fish Bowl is about getting out of life lived as default - not necessarily a negative thing but not really intended to be lived that way. As mentioned previously in one of my blogs, my job gives me the privilege to meet a lot of people and interact just as much, and tell you the truth I am intensely bored most of the time. I have been extremely bored with people and their thoughts lately. Like they say, "It's not them, It's me." But is it really me, or it's me because I see the lack in them. God Knows.
So before we start taking everything literally, I will explain why. First off, people that know me and are reading this blog probably are thinking, "Oh my, is she bored with her life?" OR "I hope everything is ok with her?"
So just to clarify, I am perfectly balanced and happy, It's not necessary to be troubled to be bored or be bored because you are troubled...  The boredom that has dropped a veil over me is, looking at people with lives stuck within their life. Just like a fish in a bowl.  They have imprisoned themselves within and just readily accepted life as default, life as is designed. Day by day the quality of life is just getting filtered to very few options, people have started focusing on the very few aspects and called it the theme of life. What job do we have, how much we make, where do we live, what are the plans for this weekend, are we hanging out with cool people, and so on and so forth..... And once everything is established and going smooth, we tend to get to a point of looking for more. But aren't we looking for more in the wrong places? I always took chances, moved around, tasted different flavors of life maybe that's why I get easily bored when I hear people doing the same thing everyday. It's not in my personality. I have been lucky to find friends, who always had dreams and goals, beyond the realm of a pre-designed life. Like attract like, I remember those days sitting in Princeton Downtown, sipping on beer and looking around us, and wondering are we going to end up like these random people? We could sense the empty lives hidden behind their beer bottles. Their white collar jobs were not enough. They eluded their life in 5-9- "happy hours." 
And it wasn't as if my friends and I were, jobless or homeless or without direction, we couldn't understand what all of us were looking for and why looking at others with their white collars and fake happy faces wasn't convincing enough? But one thing we knew and that was, we all were going to find our way beyond the ordinary. We wanted to perceive the world around us with a different vision, a unique sense of understanding, something that stands out and not blend in.... Well four years later, we have felt the difference. None of us wanted to have the same Friday nights, None of us cared for our paychecks, we all had a dream of making a difference within ourselves. So much of our lives consists of all the conditions we have fallen into, and it becomes a snowball effect. Sometimes, you get to experience something extraordinary that you have coveted all your life, in experiencing it, you  feel glad, so complete, that its mere existence is enough to make your life worthwhile. Our quality of life, and our options have made us such boring human beings. We will never have a new DaVinci, Shakespeare, Newton, Jung, Michelangelo, Rumi, Van Gogh. These people saw life beyond ordinary, they had less distractions. Certain areas of life could be all wrong for you and you have no idea how good it could be on other side of the fence because you never tried it. So far my life and my friends give me the hope that, there are people out there who will totally get what I am saying and some of them might feel like, "What the heck is she talking about?" Well this is for those who are waiting to reach the summit of Life. I am running out of words and feeling the effects of  "writer's block" so here is a list of things to untangle the so called complicated blog... No offense to anyone, these are my personal feelings and not directed at anyone.


People that...
~know more about a new gadget than DaVinci's art.
~talk about an upcoming wedding. ( Talk about weddings, if you have open bar :-)
~ talk about their kids and their kids dirty diapers.
~ know more about a ridiculous song and it's lyrics but have no idea who Rumi is!
~Do not read at all
~Talk about senseless and baseless religious norms.
~Have no clue what museums are, but definitely know where the next club is located.
~Fake emotions, without knowing are they necessary.
~Try to be pretentious.
~Think being a vegetarian is not cool.
~Think having a high end job is achieving something.
~Travel only for the purpose of being cool, despite of any difference in the way they view life.
~Complain about everything and anything in Life.
~ Don't embrace change and stay stuck.
~Don't take chances.
~Don't take risks.
~Don't spend five minutes observing nature and it's beauty.
~More religious than spiritual.
~Argue about animal rights. 
~Watch Keeping up with Kardashians. 
~Get disheartened instantly if things don't work out right away.
~Cry all the time.
~Think women can't kick ass.
~Think it's a Man's world and Women are the dependent ones.
~Think climbing mountains serve no purpose.
~Think going to the beach is a great place to meet people and hook up.
~Think the ocean is their property and pollute it with their soda cans and garbage.
~Think dolphins are tasty meat, and have no idea what else they are.
~Think Archaeology is not a career path but just a hobby or a volunteer job.
~Have no dreams or goals whatsoever.
~Change their mind according to their circumstances.
~Think of money all the time and what they would do if they win the lottery.
~Have no realization of anything around them but themselves.
~Are manipulators.
~Go camping just to sleep and eat.
~Think their country is the best.
~Are constantly trying to keep with up with others.
~Are pretending they are rich despite of being broke as hell.
~Have superiority complex.
~Have Inferiority complex.
~Spend two hours discussing their kids.
~Chose to get married, and now they are complaining about the very same choice.

So basically, a lot of things. I have a long list, but will spare you the horror. So bottom line, I admire simplicity, class, interests and people that have a sense of purpose. Try it, and you will exactly know what I am talking about. Get out of the Fish Bowl. Be like the water, take different flows and currents. And after making a dramatic change, you might find you’re more yourself than you’ve ever been.

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